Thursday, August 16, 2018

" Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that make the difference between your relationship and deepening it. that factor is attitude. " ---------- William James !

Another factor  in any conflicts  is when the other person or parities involved  refuse to talk or meet with you. instead they make public statements on how you are ridiculous, when in fact they are  the one hiding and afraid to meet with you face to face for fear of others finding out there attitude is wrong, how ridiculous and are the one who will be embrasure when the the real truth and facts are reveled. so they just hide from the truth for a cover up and have a tendency to lack courage to do  what is right and face the truth for fear of being expose for what they really are !

                                          Very Concern Citizen McHenry  IL.

                                                              Jack Reilly

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