Friday, August 24, 2018

" McHenry City Police need body cameras which are most needed and worth the cost ! "

                                                  To the Citizens of  the City of McHenry

As with any tools in law enforcement, body cameras are very essential and necessary in daily contact when Police and public meet.  the cameras not only  provide an  accurate record of any encounter between the Police and public but  " NO HE SAID SHE SAID "  the cost of cameras far out weights the chances of any disputes or legal costs that may arise between the Police and public.very many other suburban  Cities haver opted to provide Police officers with cameras  to avoid disputes and false claims that may arise by either side.
When mayor Jett was running for the Office of Mayor of the City of  McHenry,  then Mr Jett saw fit to to provide our Police officers with  free of charge ballistics helmets . now Jett has presented a raise in our  property taxes for a swimming  pool at the Recreational Center.
We now must weigh the cost between the two of which is more needed, a swimming pool for the use of  the few, or Police body cameras for use of the many contacts the Police officers and the public face daily in different situations and scenarios and the cameras could be approved by the City  Council without  a vote by by the citizens of McHenry. as a needed tool for our  Police enforcement.

                              Very concern Citizen McHenry Il.

                                             Jack Reilly

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