Tuesday, September 4, 2018

" Boasting and gloating confirms that you need appreciation from others. " -------Unknown !

                                          Another View, Tell It Like It Is.  by Jack

  Boasting and gloating is a tactic used by some people with low self esteem and no achievements to show of their own making. they take credit for ideas of others just to make then self  look good. they tend to be low achievers in life with with no real talent. they try to seek people to sing their praise, when in fact they have contribute nothing to show for in their life. these type of  people somehow manage to falsely acquire a place of  postilion of importance and power. in turn  they can cause havoc for good law abiding  people who oppose them.  " BEWARE of these types of people and stay clear of them. " 

                                                  Very Concern Citizen McHenry IL.

                                                                Jack Reilly

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