Monday, June 4, 2018

" Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to understand " ____ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mr Mayor of McHenry
Is it your intentions to teach a lesson to any citizen who complain about your lack of enforcing City ordinances in regards to parking on the street and grass over night, blocking mailboxes with their vehicles, so citizens can not receive mail. and other ordinances by turning a blind eye to many other said violations . are these the change you promise when running for office to make a better City !

You also made comments  as to why anyone would not meet with you face to face, rather than go on public media to make complaints and call them ridiculous on social media , when in fact you are the one refusing to meet face to face with citizens of the City of Mchenry,  who would like to report abuses and ordinances violations to you Mr Mayor and your administration who also turn a blind eye.

Is this the message and lesson you are sending to the citizens of the City of McHenry !

                       Very Concern Citizen McHenry 

                                       Jack Reilly
                          Still waiting for your  Answer

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